Child Nutrition Examination by the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) Bali

In an ongoing collaboration with the Bali Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), this month Inspirasia’s grantee YPK Bali facilitated nutritional consultations for children with disabilities at YPK Bali. A total of 51 children had examinations and educational activities regarding food rules for children who have nutritional challenges. The family also accompanied the children during the examination and had a more in-depth discussion with the doctor regarding their child's condition.

The results of the examinations on the 51 children showed that 26 children with disabilities were malnourished, 2 had excessive nutrition and 23 others had normal nutrition. The doctors then provided advice to the parents. For the children experiencing malnutrition, they suggested increasing food portions and protein, and adding high-calorie formula milk. For the children with overnutrition, they emphasized the importance of exercise (movement) and maintaining a good diet.  

Overall, it is very important for children with disabilities to maintain their nutrition and, therefore, parental supervision is vital to ensure this.  Adequate nutrition will ensure a healthy body and a healthy mind. 
